Registrations are NOW OPEN for the first ever Darling Downs Inter-Club Golf Challenge Corporate Day on Friday 3rd June. All Darling Downs Football clubs are invited to enter teams in this Golf Challenge event.
This event is a 4 person ambrose being held at City Golf Club, Toowoomba. Players without a AGU handicap will be issued a handicap for this event. Registration is $400 per team and includes 18 holes of golf with cart hire, lunch pack, 2 multi-draw raffle tickets and a SWQ Thunder Supporters Pack (including stubby cooler, key ring, magnet and 2 free adult tickets to a SWQ Thunder FC home game)
All current and former Darling Downs Football Clubs players, officials and supporters are encouraged to participate in this SWQ Thunder Football Club 10th anniversary celebration as the representative football club in our region. All proceeds will help fund future scholarships for disadvantaged youth to participate in Thunder elite football development programs.
A range of great individual prizes are on offer and the winning team will receive a $500 donation to the football club of their choice (named during registration process). A multi draw raffle with great prizes will also be held. Sponsorship packages (with or without players) are available and can be booked through the registration portal on the attached flyer. Please contact Emma Bowdler on 0448 832 408 or at emmabowdler@swqthunder.com for further information about sponsorship packages. Places are limited and are booking out fast, so scan the QR code below to register your team.
