A GIRLS ONLY 'come and try' football camp is being held on Wednesday the 18th of December at Captain Cook sporting ovals in Toowoomba. This is to help promote female sport and encourage young girls to play football.
You don’t need to play soccer to come along – this is a fun filled day, full of activities, games and laughs for ALL SKILL TYPES!
The one day camp will be run by the SWQ Thunder Senior Women players from 10am-2pm and ALL GIRLS OF ALL AGES are encouraged to come along! It’s a $5 event, with free lunch for pre-registered participants, raffle prizes and an inflatable field.
So whether you already play for a club, play a difference sport or have never kicked a ball in your life, come along, BRING YOUR FRIENDS, learn some skills and HAVE HEAPS OF FUN!
PRE-REGISTER so that we can organise some food for the girls. If you don't register before the day, we may not have enough!
If you have any questions, please contact me via
Facebook messenger;
Email: jfrankefootball@gmail.com
Mobile: 0455 132 889
Let me know if you are coming along so we can organise numbers. You will also be able to register your name on the day.
