Sponsorship and Business Partnership Opportunities
All sporting clubs need the financial support of club sponsors and mutually beneficial partnerships with local businesses and organisations be able to provide comprehensive, high quality products and services to club players, members and supporters.
The SWQ Thunder FC Board recognise the value of long term partnerships with local businesses and understand that businesses must see positive benefits from sponsoring or agreeing to a business partnership with our club.
Sponsorship currently makes up approximately 10% of our clubs annual income. The SWQ THunder FC Board have set sponsorship target of 15% of annual income for the 2021 season.
The club needs players, members and supporters to introduce new sponsors to the club. Many members are directly employed by or connected with businesses that could potentially become a club sponsor. Members can introduce a new business as a potential club sponsor by emailing the club at swqthunderfc@gmail.com
Our media and marketing team provides great exposure to our club sponsors with the following current exposure across various social media platforms:
2 248 Facebook followers, with a potential page reach of 15 000 people
1 022 Twitter followers
962 Instagram followers
In addition to social media, sponsors also benefit from club promotion and brand recognition achieved through other
marketing avenues including:
Weekly senior mens and womens games played live on NPL TV
Regular media coverage in the Toowoomba Chronicle and in WIN TV News
Attendance by the SWQ football community at all SWQ Thunder home games across multiple age groups
Promotion of sponsors at Senior home games at Clive Berghofer Stadium, Toowoomba's premier sporting venue
Club website, featuring a club sponsors page and banner advertising for major club sponsors
Club newsletter
Potential for marketing and promotion activities direct to club members
Our club sponsorship framework provides a range of exposure and benefits depending upon the level of sponsorship commitment. These are displayed for each sponsorship category in the table below.

Business Partnership Opportunities
SWQ Thunder FC recognise the mutual benefits of agreeing to business partnerships with local businesses and organisations that share similar values and goals and participate in parallel endeavours.
Business partnerships are negotiated between the SWQ Thunder FC Board and the relevant business or organisation that aim to provide both parties with a financial, product and/or service orientated benefit. A signed partnership agreement will be signed confirming the terms and conditions, accountabilities, duration, renumeration and service provision obligations of each party.
Reputation is important to SWQ THunder FC as it will be for our partners. Both parties will be required to uphold high standards of conduct and work together to build the reputation of both entities.
Players, members and supporters can introduce new business partnerships to the club by emailing the club administration at swqthunderfc@gmail.com or speaking directly with the Chairperson or a member of the SWQ Thunder FC Board.